Meet Our SLC3 Owner Members
Owners include members who are classified as consumers of design and construction related services. Owner members are involved at a higher level in the overall direction of the Council. An Owner member can serve on the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors and also as Chair positions for our committees. The Council is “Owner Led” which is a significant difference in our organization vs. other construction related organizations. The Owner Members are divided into three distinct groups: Sustaining, Corporate and Public. All Owner Organizations pay dues according to their classification type. Sustaining members have a greater interest in the overall operations of the organization with their increased participation and support. Our Members are updated frequently and are available at the link above. Owner members receive free program registrations, reduced event costs, and the ability to work with peers to drive improvement in design and construction. Personal growth from member experiences is frequently noted as a great benefit of the organization as well as long-standing relationships. Please email or contact Kelly Jackson about Membership questions. or 636.394.6200.