Gateway to Inclusion Workshop 2023
Our Annual Gateway to Inclusion Workshop is the largest inclusion networking event in the region. It is intended for those in the construction industry. Each year we ask consumers of design and construction (owners) as well as prime consultants, architects and contractors to join us in sharing with our attendees what services they seek, how to do business with them, and what future work is ahead.
The workshop this year is designed to permit M/WBEs the opportunity to share three minutes about their company to all attendees. This is completely voluntary and the SLC3 staff will assist all presenters with their presentations. After the presentations are complete we will break in to rooms which are grouped by sector type, such as corporate, development, government, institutional and primes. The “hosts” are these companies that each attendee will have the opportunity to speak with one on one. It’s again completely up to the attendee who you choose to speak with. There will be a list of all participants and where they are located. There is also plenty of networking time allotted for everyone.
Owners we anticipate in attendance:
BJC Healthcare, Mercy, SSM Health, St. Louis Community College, MSD, MODOT, St. Louis County, St. Charles County, Lambert Int. Airport, SLDC, USACE, Pace Properties, Good Development, Pier Development, Ameren, Bayer, Great Rivers Greenway
Prime Contractors and Design Firms:
Paric, Clayco, Alberici, McCarthy, Tarlton, S. M. Wilson, Plocher Construction, Burns & McDonnell, HOK, Horner & Shifrin, Brinkmann
We are looking for MBE/WBE presenters. You will have 3 minutes to present your company to the attendees. We can show a video or you can present live. A fantastic way to reach the decision-makers.Bronze
7:15 a.m. – 8 a.m. Check-In/Breakfast/Networking
8 a.m.-8:35 a.m. Opening Remarks and M/WBE Presentations (Emcee: Nicole Adewale, ABNA Engineering)
8:35 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Break
8:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Opening Networking with hosts (Set up in classrooms by categories and hosted tables) – Attendees will choose who they want to sit and speak with. It is similar to going to speak with your child’s different teachers if you have done that.
For questions about this, please contact our office at info@slccc.net or call us at 636.394.6200. Rebecca, Lydia or Kelly can help you.
Kelly Jackson (Exec. Director)
Nicole Adewale (ABNA Engineering)