2023 SLC3 Sporting Clays – Sells out fast!!!!
Waivers -please download both waivers and return them to info@slccc.net
Strath – Release Form SLC3 Clay Shoot 2023
- Lunch/Networking/Refreshments
- Ammunition Included (12 Gauge Ammo)
- Drinks & Dinner/Awards
- Fire Pit Reception & Whiskey
- Attendance Prizes
- Competition Prizes
Attention all guests -Safety requirements must be followed: BRING SAFETY GLASSES, HEARING PROTECTION
NOTE: All Pre-Shoot forms must be completed prior to shotgun start. No one may participate without completing forms. First come, first serve.
*Teams limited to 3 from one company. Team names must be submitted by September 22nd. Single Shooters will be assigned.
Deadline, 9/19/23 – In the event of adverse weather or other conditions, SLC3 cannot refund registration after the 19th. All Shooters must participate in the safety briefing and all participants must sign liability waivers. Team participants MUST be turned in by September 22nd. PAYMENT IS REQUIRED WITH REGISTRATION or team will go on waiting list! Please complete form and we will invoice you or you can mail in the check. All registrations must be paid by 19th or forfeit spot. No exceptions. Sponsors please send your .eps logo to info@slccc.net. CHECKS PAYABLE TO: SLC3 301 Sovereign Court, Suite 101, Ballwin, MO 63011
Hourly Schedule
Event Agenda
- 11:00AM - 12:30PM
- Registration/Lunch
- 12:30PM - 12:35PM
- Mandatory Safety Briefing
- 12:35PM - 4PM
- Shooting Competition
- 4PM - 4:30PM
- Dinner
- 4:30PM - 5PM
- Awards
- 5PM - 7PM
- Fire Pit Reception