Re: A Safety Message from SLCCC

SLCCC Members,

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage on, impacting individuals, families, businesses, and our community. From the beginning, we were uncertain how devastating the impact would be to the St. Louis region. Early efforts to mitigate the spread provided some relief from the devastation experienced in other cities. However, the community spread is now reaching dangerous levels, and our regional health care providers are struggling to keep up with demand.

Many businesses, contractors, and trades initiated new rules aimed at limiting the spread of COVID-19 and protecting the safety of workers, employees, and our community. Those efforts are critical to the health and well-being of our co-workers, families, friends and neighbors, as well as the success of our businesses.

As the COVID-19 threat grows, it has the potential to shutter many projects and negatively impact our businesses. We are asking you to do your part to protect our community and our economy by following CDC guidelines and safety & work rules posted on your jobsites – both at work on your personal time.

Wear a mask and ensure it covers your nose and mouth whenever you are near others, maintain a distance of 6’ from others when possible, and wash your hands (or use hand sanitizer) often.

By taking these simple steps, and following other associated rules presented by your organization, we can do our part to control the spread of COVID-19 and keep our projects going.

Please, stand with us and help #KeepSTLWorking.


Michael Hargrave, BJC Construction Safety Manager

SLCCC Safety Chair
St. Louis Council of Construction Consumers