In early October of 2021, work began on a series of approximately 30 “Toolbox Talk” videos on Covid vaccine hesitancy. The St. Louis Construction Cooperative (SLCC) hosted Dr. Patrick Mazi, Fellow, Division of Infectious Diseases at Washington University School of Medicine.  The SLCC is a collaborative group of construction industry stakeholders from owners to the trades coming together to address issues in construction in the region.  The SLC3 has been a member of this organization since the beginning. Our initial focus was to address labor related issues. Construction Forum with the financial support of Millstone Weber hired Solstice Production to capture Dr. Mazi’s second trip to speak to our group. The members of the SLCC were so appreciative of the Dr. Mazi’s delivery of information surround the virus and the vaccine we wanted to bring our experience to anyone taking the time to watch.

The SLC3 is sharing the videos in hope you will share with your fellow employees and leaders of your companies. As Covid cases continue to rise even among the vaccinated, it’s imperative to do whatever we can to encourage non-vaccinated personnel to at minimum hear from a reliable source such as Dr. Mazi.

“I have never heard how vaccinations were developed nor what the expectations should be for them. I also have never heard anyone explain it so well as to understand it. Dr. Mazi did an amazing job answering every known objection. I am thankful his explanation is available for all to see. I was concerned about my 19 year old daughter because I too had not felt assured about reproductive abilities in the future. I no longer feel any concern and trust him as a validated resource. I have encouraged her to get fully vaccinated including her booster. – Kelly Jackson, Executive Director, SLC3