DAY ONE: Commitment & Accountability

To fully realize a culture of inclusion and belonging requires both leadership commitment and accountability to ourselves and others.  Neither leadership nor accountability are top-down but rather shared responsibilities that each of us regardless of role, title, or position can actively demonstrate.   There are lots of examples and definitions for leadership.  But at its most basic level leadership is the ability to influence others towards achieving a goal.

Accountability is owning and accepting responsibility for one’s actions.  When these are put in the context of diversity, equity, and inclusion, it means we all have a part to play.  All of us being leaders, modeling the behavior we want to see in others influencing others toward the goal of a more inclusive society; and holding ourselves and others accountable to actions that help inspire and achieve that vision.

Reading Material:

Daily Video

Table Talk: Commitment to Inclusive Leadership

Toolbox Talk: ALL Inclusive Leadership
