The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District has revised the “Standard Construction Specification for Sewers and Drainage Facilities – 2009” and it will be replaced with the “Standard Construction Specification for Sewers and Drainage Facilities – 2023”.  Please see below on how the 2023 revision will affect your projects going forward.

  • Development Review – Beginning August 1, 2023, all plans and records submitted for initial review (initial submittal file upload date or hard copy received by MSD date) will be subject to the revised “Standard Construction Specification For Sewers And Drainage Facilities – 2023”.  Any projects that have been submitted for initial review prior to August 1, 2023, will continue to use the 2009 version.
  • Engineering Professional Services – Consultants under contract with MSD for new design projects beginning on or after July 1, 2023, shall utilize the “Standard Construction Specification for Sewers and Drainage Facilities – 2023” when preparing the contract documents for these projects.  Projects already under design will continue to use the 2009 version.  If you have any questions, please reach out to your MSD project manager for that specific project.
  • Construction Community and Suppliers – All existing contracts will continue to utilize the “Standard Construction Specification for Sewers and Drainage Facilities – 2009” as referenced in your contract documents.  Going forward on new projects, please reference the contract documents as to which version of the “Standard Construction Specification for Sewers and Drainage Facilities” to use.

Links to the “Standard Construction Specification for Sewers and Drainage Facilities – 2023” along with a “Summary of Changes for the Standard Construction Specifications 2023” can be found on the MSD website at:

Please note that MSD does not currently have a printed version of the ““Standard Construction Specification for Sewers and Drainage Facilities – 2023” for purchase.  We are currently soliciting bids to print the 2023 update, once available, we will send a notification along with the cost.

Should you have any questions, please contact your MSD representative that you are working with or Allen Muehlher at 314-768-6239.