Buyers of AEC services are segmented by a variety of ways and requirements between government and non-government buyers are quite different. However, outside of typical Statements of Qualifications, Proposals, SF330’s, here is some food for thought from a national research result  for buyer activities related to learning more about providers.  Relationship building is still important but how else can you learn more about potential providers and have trust in the decision making?

  1. Ask Colleagues and peers for recommendations or get feedback
  2. Do general web searches
  3. Listen to experts speak on a topic
  4. Attend a webinar 
  5. Read articles or blog posts
  6. Watch a video
  7. Attend a conference or event
  8. Read a research report, ebook or how to guide
  9. Look on social media

In some of these cases the data is there. Marketers can monitor web searches, results from speaking, blog views, video hits, and how many times a PDF is requested or downloaded. And of course we can monitor social media.  If you are a buyer this may not fit what you do, but it does fit what many others do. As buyers lean more on information vs. just the relationship to ensure their project runs smoothly, their budgets and schedules are met, and the outcomes are hopefully better than expected.  So doesn’t this mean it’s no longer Business Development and proposal grinding?  Marketing is a driver and it should be strategic. It’s helpful information buyers are seeking. But this means getting your staff to speak, to attend educational programs, to write a blog, and to get your online presence improved. If it’s not your company it will be another who is working their marketing efforts smarter than you do.  Growth requires a multi-media marketing mix approach.


Kelly Jackson, Executive Director SLC3
Over 29 years of marketing experience and 24 years in the AEC industry. Kelly has led marketing and business development efforts since 20o1, including eights years running her own Marketing, Design and Web Agency serving primarily professional services companies. For five years, she has rebranded and grown the SLC3 from 120 organization members to 200 members and over 38 events a year. Marketing communications and strategy is instrumental to the success of the SLC3 and its mission and vision. Kelly earned her BA from Webster University in Advertising, Marketing and Media Communications, receiving honors in Communications and Journalism. She has spent over 20 years attend sales and marketing training. She has also spoken on many marketing related topics over the past 20 years including writing for marketing, PR, event planning, marketing planning, strategic marketing, proposal writing, winning proposal process, business development, Strengthfinders, LinkedIn, non-profiting marketing, SEO and digital marketing, and website planning and marketing. Published Author in numerous mediums. International Best Selling Author, GRIT: Growth. Formerly in SBA’s Top 25 Marketing, PR and Web Firms in St. Louis.  Named Webster University’s Most Notable Alumni for Communications for her agency ownership.  SMPS St. Louis Chapter Past President 2003-2004, and Member since 2000.